Any person can make a mistake regardless of their social status, ethnicity, or background. If you are charged with a criminal offense, there can be severe ramifications involved. This is why getting an accomplished and proven criminal defense attorney can mean the difference between going free and going to jail. Besides, retaining a defense lawyer will ensure that you get a fair trial, and your interests are safeguarded.
At the Law Office of Robert J. Kerr, we are wholly committed to offering our clients superior legal representation as they navigate the legal system. Regardless of the seriousness of your crime, using a battle-hardened lawyer can greatly enhance your chances of winning a case and, by extension, save your life. We specialize in defending clients facing all sorts of common criminal charges. Let us look at some of these cases.
Sex crimes
Your life will never be the same again after being convicted of a sex crime. Apart from the possibility of many years of incarceration, you are marked as a sex offender for the rest of your life, even after you are released. Besides, it can significantly restrict your options as far as employment and housing are concerned, as well as irreparably ruining your reputation. Sadly, false accusations have been the downfall of many people. When charged with a sex crime, you should retain the services of a proper defense lawyer to avoid the pitfalls of malicious accusations.
Theft crimes encompass a whole lot of crimes ranging from grand theft auto to embezzlement. In many cases, the stolen stuff’s monetary value will influence whether you will be slapped with a felony charge or misdemeanor charge and subsequently determine the seriousness of the fines or punishment you will receive. With an experienced criminal defense attorney backing you, it will be easier to navigate the complicated legal system and get a more favorable verdict.
Violent crimes
Altercations between people are a normal thing in every society. In cases where individuals find themselves in positions where they feel it is imperative to defend their honor or safeguard themselves from bodily harm, physical violence may be the next resort. Moreover, without all the facts, a person may get a harsh sentence for merely getting involved in an unexpected situation. With our legal team in charge of your case, we will make sure that your side of the story sees the light of day. In our service provision, we have defended clients charged with assault, battery, and domestic violence.
At the law practice of Robert J. Kerr, we will provide you with unmatched and superior legal advice, in addition to legal representation, to give you the best fighting chance in your case. We are renowned attorneys in criminal defense, sex cases, DUI defense, drug cases, traffic offenses and violations, civil rights defense, among other cases. If you need lawyers who are genuinely concerned about your case and will go the whole nine yards to defend you, we are just what you need.
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